Calabria and Sicily

Calabria in April is as marvellously warm (30C) as the people and the chillies, absolutely perfect. The mountains provide a wonderful climate and no one needs to mention the food, delicious as always.

We recommend driving down, starting in Liguria, to travel with food, as you go, every area is special, and for us, south of Rome and towards Napoli you will find pizza that is life changing, and you don’t have to find ‘the best place’, they are all the best. Pizza in Bari is also memorable, in 2022 we had a pizza with Mortadella, a soft white cheese, the name escapes us, and pistachio. Every area’s pizza is different, and tells a story, perhaps like India’s curries, and uniquely memorable. We particularly like to travel Italy by pizza to get to work locations.

It is not our first trip to Sicily, just as diverse as Malta in terms of terrain. We love the agricultural areas and the kindness of strangers in Sicily is standard. Like Malta Sicily offers gifts that remains with one.

We thank everyone who had arranged accommodation and had given advice and information regarding regular transit.

We only succeed when we work together with common goals to protect children. Victories that are sustainable are achieved together.

#calabria #sicily #pizza #food